How I Relax

Sunday, 23 July 2017

the girl on the train book being kept open by a hand with pink nails

Life is so fast paced, we all need some time to relax! Below are some of the ways I do that.

1. R E A D I N G. It has been a love of mine my entire life. I love getting lost in a book, not being able to put it down and the sense of accomplishment when I finish it! I love predicting what will happen, I think that's the main reason I read on, waiting to see where the author decides to take their novel. I study English Literature so this wouldn't come to much of a surprise. I do enjoy different forms of reading, other than novels, from more philosophical books and theories (which I mostly discover through my course) to reading blogs online! My most recent read is The Girl On The Train, which is an amazing thriller! Below are just some of the books in my collection.

bookshelf full of books

2. D R A W I N G. This is something I've done forever too. I love to draw, paint and the rest of it. I'm naturally a creative person, so doing nothing kind of drives me crazy! It's such a calming thing to do, when you have an idea of what you want to create that is! It can be a struggle though, when I'm in a creative mood but have no inspiration... I've recently got back into watercolours, so if you have any tips, let me know!

3. T H E  B E A C H. I live less than a 5 minute walk away from the beach and pier. Sitting by the ocean is so calming, listening to the waves and chilling with friends and family. Going to the beach is one of my favourite days out and it's free so what's not to love?!

4. D R I N K I N G  T E A. Just the plain old regular breakfast tea, you can't beat it! I think I have an addiction but being British is definitely my excuse. I love putting everything on pause and sitting with a cup of tea to take a break. 

Let me know how you relax in the comments below! 


  1. You have so many wonderful looking books, reading is something I really need to do more of, as I really enjoy it, but I never get the time! I really want to read The Girl on the Train too! Great post xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    1. Thank you! I hope you find the time as it's such a great thing to get into. The Girl on the Train is such a good book!

      Leah x

  2. These are things I also love to do to relax. Though I must admit it's been a while since I've read a good book. I used to read all the time but since grade 11 and 12 of high school my English teacher kind of made me really dislike English in general. Which is so stupid because English used to be one of my favourites subjects! Since finishing high school I've started enjoying it again though so I'm currently on the lookout for a 'hard to put down' book!

    -Sophie xx | Cherries & Perfume 

    1. Studying English at school can really make you never want to pick up a book again! That's kind of how it made me feel too. It's great to hear you're getting back into it! I would recommend The Girl On The Train as it's the one I've finished recently and loved. I'm currently reading The Scorch Trials by James Dashner

      Leah x

  3. Reading and drinking tea are definitely my favouriting ways to relax! xx

    1. Can't beat it! Thanks for reading Vikky

      Leah x


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